GarrettCom Switch Ethernet Networks and Web Management User Manual

Secure Industrial Control Utilizing High Speed  
Ethernet Networks and Web Management  
GarrettCom, Inc.  
47823 Westinghouse Drive  
Fremont, CA 94539  
PH: (510) 438-9071  
FAX: (510) 438-9072  
More and more industrial sites are taking advantage of Ethernet as a mature, end-to-end, standards-  
based networking, communications and data transmission protocol because it offers convenience and  
efficiency that bring higher performance and lower cost. In addition, the standards that are in place  
support interoperability among many competing equipment vendors as well as world-wide  
interconnectivity. At the same time, more extensive use of Ethernet/IP and other well-documented  
protocols will make hacking and disruption easier if adequate security measures are not taken.  
Password protection, encryption, access authorization and firewalls are some of the many tools  
available to protect against cyber invasion.  
While there are similarities between security in enterprise business IT systems (which protects  
activities such as bank and stock transactions and on-line purchases), and that required by industrial  
control systems, several groups have been chartered to address the technology opportunities and  
challenges specific to industrial applications. At the broadest level, the Instrumentation Systems and  
Automation Society (ISA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are looking  
at overall security practices for industry. (See APPENDIX A)  
On a more specific industrial level, there are groups such as the North American Electric Reliability  
Council, which has been named by the US DoE as the electric energy sector’s coordinator for critical  
infrastructure protection. The NAERC’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Committee addresses  
security concerns and provides guidelines and requirements for utility systems including SCADA and  
No single vendor or single technology is going to make industry safe from intentional cyber attacks.  
Nonetheless, it is critical that vendors of industrial equipment look at ways in which to support the  
overall security effort. Standards-based Ethernet networks, with cost effective hardware and software  
available from many competing vendors, can make a significant impact. For example, leading Ethernet  
switch vendors are adding security in the switch with IEEE and other standards support for security  
As Ethernet has expanded into outlying industrial facilities, two types of network structures emerge:  
Local and Remote. The Local Ethernet structure is within the walls of a single facility which can be  
closely watched, with the only serious security risk being from disgruntled employees or persons who  
have penetrated the physical security of the plant. Access to data running across this type of Local  
Ethernet network can be protected by segregating it with VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks).  
VLANs can be configured to restrict points of access from the outside world and can employ password  
protection to provide authorization, authentication, and access control tethered to the Ethernet network  
itself. Telnet managed by the switch can be used for remote login to the switch manager software.  
However, Ethernet’s benefits to industrial applications run far beyond such restricted local  
applications. Much Ethernet connectivity is deployed beyond a single plant and local-only networks  
would limit the ability to manage, monitor and collect data from remote operations. Ethernet, using  
fiber cabling for distance, noise-immunity and security, is deployed throughout widely distributed  
industrial applications. Interconnecting multiple water treatment plants or power substations within a  
metropolitan area are typical examples  
Remote industrial Ethernet implementations are very popular applications for monitoring (the Data  
Acquisition (DA) part of SCADA). They are typically closed systems, which require in-facility access  
points for information review, as opposed to casual Internet access from the home or from the remote  
laptop of a maintenance supervisor. Within the closed system, remote monitoring may be possible,  
eliminating many routine maintenance visits to unmanned outlying operations, with concomitant  
reduction in costs. It is also easier to identify potential problems and dispatch maintenance or repair  
teams promptly – often avoiding down time or managing outages.  
The only security risk in a closed system is a physical breach of the network, and even in the case of  
such an event, password protection goes a long way to providing data security. The downside is the  
lost opportunity for efficiencies and savings because of the limits placed on management and control  
of industrial operations from afar.  
Management Supervision and Control – the SC part of SCADA - of remote sites over Ethernet has  
traditionally been used less often simply because of concerns regarding security. If these concerns can  
be properly addressed, the benefits of controlling the functioning of equipment in remote locations  
such as power substations, and linking outlying facilities such as aircraft maintenance hubs and other  
far-flung industrial applications. Web access provides very significant efficiency improvements and  
cost-savings, but this is also the area of greatest threat since the whole world has access to the Internet.  
Ethernet equipment vendors must, therefore, take the lead in providing security for Ethernet networks,  
and, furthermore, must support the more broad-based systemic security requirements from such  
standards bodies as the ISA and NIST and NERC.  
Once a closed-loop network is opened to access to and from the web, password protection is no longer  
enough. While security has multiple components, Ethernet equipment can address security issues by  
providing protection in the areas of concern documented by the ISA SP99 committee:  
assuring that a user is who he/she claims to be (authentication) and access authorization  
for that user  
encryption and validation as data crosses the Internet so that it cannot be easily  
accessed and stolen  
filtering and blocking access control  
providing audit, measurement, monitoring and detection tools;  
While Ethernet switch management software can, and should, attend to these components,  
implementation requires sophisticated security management advice making best use of standards,  
guidelines and experts.  
Where web access is convenient, security does not have to be compromised. Authentication and  
encryption can be implemented today in industrial environments by using the same standards and  
controls that handle the world’s financial transactions via the web. Through established security  
standards, network management software can provide this functionality by providing Simple Network  
Management Protocol Ver. 3 (SNMP v3), Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security  
(TLS). These features allow an Ethernet switch to handle HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure  
(HTTPS), the highest level of Web access security available.  
Other security strategies available to Ethernet equipment include port security, remote Telnet access  
security, password protection and remote unit cut-off protection. Appendix B offers a brief primer on  
the components of some of the most well-known security standards.  
Broader system security policies, physical and functional models, risk analysis, asset management and  
critical aspects of running and maintaining a security program are addressed in detail by bodies such  
as SP99 and PCSRF. The open approach of inviting industry wide input and comment will greatly  
improve security at all levels . . . national, business and personal.  
Thanks to the forerunners in the commercial environment, there is a strong base from which industrial  
users can begin the work of adapting and customizing current security standards and protocols to  
support industrial applications. But, as they begin to reap the benefits of remote access, care must be  
taken to avoid security breaches. Commerce has led the way with highly secure financial, medical,  
and retail applications, however, the complexities of industrial security require careful thought and  
planning – and in many cases, a different take on a security strategy.  
User authentication for controlling access and encryption are not only desirable but essential for secure  
industrial applications. Ethernet switches with web management can offer a powerful point of control.  
Additionally, remote web management is desirable and feasible with currently available hardware and  
software, including GUIs for simplicity and ease-of-use. However, complete end-to-end design for  
security is necessary, and it is incumbent on everyone to work toward highly secure network systems  
that enable the industry to take advantage of the tremendous time- and cost-savings of web-based  
A single white paper cannot possibly provide the specific guidelines that multiple prestigious industry  
working committees are laboring to describe. At the same time, this white paper is intended to be  
helpful by providing a basic understanding of the security levels that can currently be achieved at the  
Ethernet switch level, assisting readers in appreciating the multiple levels of industrial network  
security and the overall complexity required to achieve a highly secure distributed communications  
Bond, Andrew, “Security Could Put Process Control Under IT”,, The Online Resource of  
Control Magazine, April 11, 2005,  
Byres, Eric, “Security Technologies for Manufacturing and Control Systems”, ANSI/ISA-TR99.00.01-2004,  
The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, April, 2004.  
Case, J, Mundy, R, Partain, D, Stewart, B, “Network Working Group Request for Comments: 3410”, The  
Internet Society, Reston, Virginia, December, 2002  
Herbert, Dan, “Process Control Security”,, The Online Resource of Control Magazine,  
Melton, Ron, Fletcher, Terry, Earley, Matt, “System Protection Profile – Industrial Control Systems”, Version  
1.0, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, April, 2004.  
Merritt, Rich, “What’s in Your Server”,, The Online Resource of Control Magazine,  
Singer, Brian, “Security Standards: Those Available Today and Future Directions”, Proceedings of ISA  
President’s Fall Meeting, Houston Texas, October 4, 2004.  
Webb, Bob, “Integrating Electronic Security into the Manufacturing and Control Systems Environment”,  
ANSI/ISA-TR99.00.02-2004, The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society, Research Triangle Park,  
North Carolina, April, 2004.  
At the vanguard of developing security guidelines for industrial control systems are the  
Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society (ISA) and the National Institute of Standards and  
Technology (NIST). ISA, through its SP99 committee, has published two technical reports on  
manufacturing and control systems security that address the growing threats to industrial system  
security. The NIST Process Control Security Requirements Forum (PCSRF) has issued the System  
Protection Profile for Industrial Control Systems (SPP-ICS).  
The SP99 committee, Manufacturing and Control Systems Security, represents a cross-section of the  
industrial market with representation from control system vendors, end-users, system integrators,  
consultants, and cyber security vendors. The first two reports from the committee, which were  
published in 2004, are: "Security Technologies for Manufacturing and Control Systems" (ISA-  
TR99.00.01-2004, or TR1) and "Integrating Electronic Security into the Manufacturing and Control  
Systems Environment" (ISA-TR99.00.02-2004 or TR2).  
TR1 provides guidance for using currently available electronic security technologies, without making  
specific technology recommendations. It categorizes 28 electronic security technologies into five  
authentication and authorization;  
filtering/blocking/access control;  
encryption and data validation;  
audit, measurement, monitoring and detection tools;  
computer software and physical security controls.  
Both control engineers and IT management can use the document to understand the opportunities and  
limitations of deploying IT-based security methods in a real-time environment.  
The document provides information on each technology regarding:  
security vulnerabilities addressed by this technology;  
typical deployment;  
known issues and weaknesses;  
assessment of use in the manufacturing and control system environment.  
In addition it discusses anticipated future directions, offers recommendations and guidance, and points  
the reader to information sources and reference material.  
While TR1 can be considered a primer, TR2 offers more comprehensive information regarding  
methodologies and components necessary to create a complete security program, and suggests a  
process to implement more secure systems. Since most control systems are a combination of newer  
and legacy components, rather than a “built-from-scratch” environment, each system will require  
individual evaluation.  
Today SP99 is developing a draft of the first of what will be a series of industry standards related to  
manufacturing security.  
The NIST PCSRF’s System Protection Profile for Industrial Control Systems (SPP-ICS), released in  
2004, is a baseline document that states necessary industrial security requirements at an  
implementation-independent level. It will be used to create security specifications for specific systems  
and components, such as a water treatment system or a power substation.  
The NIST PCSRF includes a number of members of the SP99 Committee, and is chartered to define  
common information security requirements for process control systems in the future. The Forum  
consists of more than 450 members from government, academic, and private sectors.  
The current document is an extension of ISO/IEC 15408 Common Criteria. Common Criteria is  
widely used in secure government operations, such as the FAA. The SPP-ICS looks at these concepts  
in relation to industrial automation. Industrial facilities can use it to specify security functional  
requirements for new systems. At the same time, vendors can use it to demonstrate assurance that  
their products meet these security requirements.  
The protocols and standards listed below are readily available components that can be used to  
implement secure Ethernet networks in factories, power substations and other industrial sites.  
Simple Network Management Protocol, introduced in 1988, is a standard for gathering and managing  
statistical data about network traffic and the behavior of network components such as switches, hubs,  
routers and any device which is SNMP enabled. It is based on the manager/agent model and is used in  
TCP/IP and other networks to monitor and control network devices, and manage configurations,  
statistics collection, and performance. It is easy to implement, install, and use, and does not place  
undue burden on the network. Even better, SNMP modules from different vendors work together with  
minimal effort. However, early versions of SNMP did not adequately address the issue of security.  
Basic security, in the form of authentication and encryption, was first proposed in 1998 with SNMPv3.  
Accepted as a full Internet standard in 2002, SNMPv3 assures that a received message was transmitted  
by the entity whose identifier appears as the source in the message header, it assures that the message  
was not altered in transit and that there was not artificial delay or replay. It also provides for the  
ability to update configuration parameters in SNMP agents, thus enabling complete remote  
management of SNMP devices, which is an added convenience as Web management comes into play.  
It is important to note that SNMPv3 adds several levels of capability, and increasing complexity, to an  
SNMP implementation. Unless an implementation requires security features, most SNMP  
deployments will remain at SNMPv1 or SNMPv2. Perhaps the wisest approach for a vendor of  
Ethernet switches is to continue to offer these earlier versions, as well as SNMPv3, in its network  
management package to accommodate users with various levels of security requirements.  
Communicating SNMPv3 engines share a secret authentication key that is provided by the sending  
entity. When the receiving entity gets the message, it uses the same secret key to calculate the  
message authentication code again. If the receiver’s version of the code matches the value appended to  
the incoming message, then the receiver knows that the message can only have originated from the  
authorized manager, and that the message was not altered in transit. Note that the shared secret key  
between sending and receiving parties must be preconfigured by a configuration manager or a network  
manager, and loaded into the databases of the various SNMP managers and agents.  
A separate “privacy facility” enables managers and agents to encrypt messages to prevent  
eavesdropping by third parties. Again, manager entity and agent entity must share a secret key. When  
privacy is invoked between a principal and a remote engine, all traffic between them is encrypted  
using the Data Encryption Standard (DES). The sending entity encrypts the entire message using the  
DES algorithm and its secret key, and sends the message to the receiving entity, which decrypts it  
using the DES algorithm and the same secret key.  
Another facility, called “access control” makes it possible to configure agents to provide different  
levels of access to different managers. Unlike authentication, which is done by user, access control is  
done by group, where a group may be a set of multiple users.  
While SNMPv3 provides secure communications between human managers and the various managed  
elements in a network it is not enough for security of web based applications. For this, Secure Socket  
Layer (SSL) protocol and its extension the Transport Layer Security (TSL) protocol extend SNMP  
features to web-based applications.  
SSL – Secure Socket Layer  
SSL is a protocol designed to enable encrypted, authenticated communications across the Internet, is  
used mostly in communications between web browsers and web servers. When a web URL begins  
with “https”, rather than “http”, this indicates that an SSL connection will be used, providing  
authentication, as well as privacy and message integrity (through encryption). Another way of  
explaining SSL is to say that it ensures that the information is sent, unchanged, only to the server to  
which the sender intended to send it, eliminating eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery.  
SSL is use by online shopping sites, among other applications, to safeguard credit card information,  
and therefore, has already demonstrated a level of security that should be adequate and appropriate for  
industrial applications.  
TLS – Transport Layer Security  
TLS is a successor to SSL, using a wider variety of cryptographic algorithms for access security. It is  
standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It is a protocol that provides secure  
communication over a TCP/IP connection such as the Internet. It uses digital certificates for  
authentication and digital signatures to ensure message integrity, and can use public key cryptography  
to ensure data privacy. A TLS service negotiates a secure session between two communicating  
endpoints. TLS is built into recent versions of all major browsers and web servers. Although the TLS  
and SSL protocols are not interoperable, TLS secure transport can back down to SSL 3.0 if a TLS  
session cannot be negotiated.  
MAC Addressing  
Another aspect of network security can be used to block computers from accessing the network by  
requiring the port to validate the Media Access Control (MAC) address against a known list of  
approved MAC addresses. If there is an insecure access on a secondary device connected to a switch,  
these levels of control allow authorized users to continue to access the network while unauthorized  
packets are dropped.  
Remote Security  
The further afield the users who have a need to access an industrial network, the more critical it is that  
the network design provide system-wide protection. Standards such as Remote Authentication Dial In  
User Service (RADIUS 802.1x), Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS+)  
make user identity secure. For additional data security, Secure Shell (SSH) extend total system  
security by shielding traffic running through the switch. Switch manufacturers assist in the support of  
data security using these standards, but the implementation requires broader compliance than that  
available at the individual switch.  

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